Precious and Loved
We’re celebrating the baptism of our baby girl, Lily, and I’d like a gentle, spiritual song that uses scripture to welcome her into the faith. Could you include Matthew 19:14, ‘Let the little children come to me,’ and Psalm 139:14, ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made’? I want it to feel like a lullaby, reminding her that she’s precious and loved by God
Precious and Loved
We’re celebrating the baptism of our baby girl, Lily, and I’d like a gentle, spiritual song that uses scripture to welcome her into the faith. Could you include Matthew 19:14, ‘Let the little children come to me,’ and Psalm 139:14, ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made’? I want it to feel like a lullaby, reminding her that she’s precious and loved by God
Precious and Loved
- Type: MP3
- By:The Songs Lab
- Download: 4.5K
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